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The Fiat/Aeritalia  G-91Y (known to it's pilots as the Yankee) was a developement of the G-91R. It dispensed with the single Rolls Royce Orpheous engine and replaced it with 2 Afterburning General Electric J85s. These gave a 60% increase in performance and turned this little jet into an all weather strike and recce platform with a max speed of Mach 0.98. The fuselage was an adaption of the G-91T trainer with extra fuel occupying the space where the extra cockpit would have been. It had a host of avionics upgrades and could perform roles usually reserved for much more complex and larger aircraft. 67 were produced and all served exclsively with the Regia Aeronautica, the last one being retired in the 1990s when the AMX took over the role. An interceptor version was being developed for Switzerland but that order was cancelled. this then is the Yankee........










That was a bit close!








Thanks for viewing, Model is freeware for those that are interested and is still available here,  


fiatg91y.zip     it is for both FS2004 and FSX ! enjoy!!


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