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brett last won the day on July 26

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About brett

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    Senior Captain
  • Birthday May 13

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    PA, USA

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  1. Some would consider my personal Safe to be an arsenal.
  2. Thanks Frank, good read. I give you credit for condensing this story into a well done video.
  3. I couldn't find any reports from ATSB or much of anything for that matter except a basic description of the accident and search. Was there anything mentioned about the compass being damaged? He didn't seem to have any problems during his initial flights, could it be his compass was fine but his visual cues were wrong that made him think his compass was wrong. Guess we will never know, so I thank you for your observations and for bringing this particular accident to our attention, it certainly is an interesting thing to ponder. If in doubt, fly the coast.
  4. Hi Frank, I'll reserve judgement on this pilot's actions until I see part 2 but thanks for the views and entertaining stories. One quick question, did this aircraft have any rudimentary auto pilot as planes did back then, such as manual altitude adjustments and turn to left/right button.
  5. How low can you go, a few tried. That was fun, and those sounds were music to my ears. Thanks for bringing that video to our attention Frank, I for one never tire of watching and hearing the old bird's fly.
  6. After stopping a mugger and protecting his girlfriend, a Marine reflected on his actions and decided the criminal deserved an apology. To the Guy Who Tried to Mug Me in Downtown Savannah night before last. I was the guy wearing the black Burberry jacket that you demanded that I hand over, shortly after you pulled the knife on me and my girlfriend, threatening our lives. You also asked for my girlfriend’s purse and earrings. I can only hope that you somehow come across this rather important message. First, I’d like to apologize for your embarrassment; I didn’t expect you to a
  7. Happy to hear Little Pagasus made it back into the original family line, great end to the story. Thanks for the views Frank and taking the time to bring this story to us.
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