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Thank you for your interest in our challenge. We really do want to keep this simple but we have to lay down some ground rules, so please take note of the following and if you agree we can have some fun!

You will need to be a registered member of Mutley's Hangar Forums in order to post your PIREP. Registration is free, however, please consider making a donation to the running costs which can be made via PayPal using the donate button.

Flying the Challenge
The Around The World Challenge (ATWC) is a series of individual flights flown by many pilots who carry and pass on "The baton" eventually circumnavigating the Earth.

The Challenge will start and finish at Southampton EGHI, also known to "Hangarians" as "Mutley Field" and is the spiritual home of the Challenge.

Flight legs are arranged in groups, called sections, which generally correspond to the continents or some other geographic region (e.g. the Caribbean) as each is visited in turn. These flights are then released for pilots to bid on in order of preference and awarded on a first come, first served basis.

Pilots bid for the flights via email using atwc@mutleyshangar.com and the staff allocate the flights. The pilot then flies from A-B however they want. It can be direct or over several flights. All flights are reported in the forums by way of a screenshot/story post for everyone else to view and comment.

So, in simple terms the overall process is BID-FLY-POST

We will only offer flights on a section by section basis, no bids for future locations will be taken.

Once a section is advertised a deadline (Usually 18-48 hours) will be published for prospective pilots to "bid" for flights. Any untaken flights can be bid for at any time after the deadline.

You can bid for as many flights in that section as you wish, flights are awarded on a first come first served basis and in order of preference set out by you. e.g.
1.Leg 7 EDDH to ENSO
2.Leg 3 EGPR to EINN
3.Leg 1 EGLC to EGNS
4.Leg 8 ENSO to ENHV

We will endeavour to give you the flights you want, each pilot will initially be awarded one leg per section unless you are called on to stand in for another pilot.

Non-availability of flights - If demand is high, it may be possible that you will not be awarded a flight in that section. This will be generally be caused by late submittal of bids which may be due to the TZ you live in. If this happens, in the next sector, we will give priority to pilots who have not been allocated a flight in a previous sector(s).

Bids by email only to atwc@mutleyshangar.com

The flight can be made in any aircraft that can make the published journey within any flight restrictions (Weight or type) stipulated for that flight.

Flexibility is permitted for those who choose amphibious aircraft or flying boats and wish to use water for take-offs or landings. Flights may be flown in any version of Flight Simulator - FS-2004 (FS9), FSX or Prepar3D are the customary choices.

We encourage you to make your flight when it is convenient to you but we do insist it is posted in accordance with the following-

No sooner than 36 hours after the previous leg was posted and no later than 4 days after the previous leg was posted. This is very important as it will hopefully keep the challenge flowing nicely and give the previous pilot's post to receive feedback.

We prefer as much commentary as possible, include flight plans or other relevant info to make it more enjoyable to other members, you can never post too much detail! As with the previous challenges we encourage full use of your imagination and editing skills however you wish to use them.

We may offer extra adventures within the challenge by way of Missions for FSX users or Treasure Hunts for both FS9,FSX and Prepar3D users.

Please, don't forget to leave the other pilots lots of feedback as it is your reward to another pilot for a job well done!

The challenge and it's contents including shots posted by pilots will be deemed copyright of Mutley's Hangar and by accepting these rules you agree that they can be used for advertising purposes by Mutley's Hangar with acknowledgements to you.

That's it! Enjoy the Challenge and lets go flying!

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