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Hi Mh'ers,


Newbie to Plan G. I've tried to find the answer on the Plan G forum but have not been successful.


Quick question: The "Perf. Speed" and "Perf. Fuel" fields in the Aircraft Profiles section are terms that I'm not familiar with. Could they be translated to "Endurance Speed (Vbe) and Endurance Fuel" in North America speak?



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I think the "Perf." values are used to differentiate between the economy parameters and other "performance" parameters, be it normal cruise speed and fuel consumption or high cruise speed and fuel consumption.  As you determine what values you enter, you can determine the use of the fields.


Does this make sense?




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PERF is the best performance speed of the aircraft, typically at 75% power output or full throttle. ECON can be either best endurance or best range performance according to preference, although typically it's the 55% or 65% power setting from the POH. All values assume the engine has been correctly leaned.


For example, for a Cessna 172N cruising at 6000ft PA in ISA conditions,


75% (PERF) cruise = 120KTAS, 8.4GPH (2600RPM)

54% (ECON) Cruise = 104KTAS 6.2GPH (2300RPM)


Obviously these values will vary according to temperature and altitude, and so the values set in Plan-G are there simply to act as a guide either for a specific set of conditions, or a "typical" set of conditions.

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Thanks Andrew,

I think I'll use Vbe for the "Perf." field and Vno for the regular cruise numbers. These are the two cruise parameters so likely to be used.


So you can see where my preferences lie - exactly opposite. Thanks, Tim, for the reference, never heard Vno referred to as a "Performance" number. I'll reverse them.


Same software, slightly different subject: I tried flying the Beaver with Plan G hooked up (using <paid> FSUIPC) and running in the background. The laptop got mad hot, so I think I'll have to wait until I can run Plan G on a networked computer when I get back to Canada. 


Cool ;)  software, though.

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