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Aircraft range

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I have a question. When I ran my company on the Hawaiian Islands, I wanted it to only deliver cargo in Hawaii, not all over the South Pacific, so I just altered the range of the aircraft to do that. I learned that when John told someone else to do that because he wanted to fly short hops in his service area. Well, that company, although successful, went belly up because the IT person (me) failed to back up the company files before the computer system crashed.


So I simply picked up the pieces and started a new company along the west coast of the United States. The problem was (is) I forgot to change the range back to what it normal for the aircraft or I had changed it to the shorter range in the beginning when I imported the aircraft....I forgot which one. I was flustered because all my pilots were sitting in the airport lounge ready to hang the owner.


At any rate......the company has been in existence for a while and I was wondering......can I simply change the range back to something more realistic from the FLEET/AIRCRAFT DETAILS box or does it involve something more complicated. My pilots guard the IT room on their own time to keep me away from the door.


Thanks in advance for any help.


Captain (I can fly but not touch computers) Bobby

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