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Airport Design Editor News

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A Happy New Year to everyone.


I guess many of you will already be aware of ADE 1.60  This is the current production version that was released last month.  It contains a number of updates, fixes and new features including support for Prepar3D V2.  It also has a new function to create custom ground polys using provided textures or textures you create for yourself.  This new function is courtesy of Don Grovestine who did all the hard work!   ADE 1.60 has a full installer and will install alongside any existing version,  1.60 can be downloaded from the main ADE website  www.airportdesigneditor.co.uk  or from the support forum at www.fsdeveloper.com


We have finally set up a single location where tips, tricks and tutorials for ADE can be found here http://www.fsdeveloper.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=137


We will collect all the tutorials here in future.  If you know of any or have some of your own please let us know or add them to the forum!



We have also made some small updates to Bgl2Xml GUI and Simple Airport Scanner.  In both cases these are now updated to support Prepar3D V2


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Thanks for the HU Jon, I love ADE and have been using it for quite a while now, with varying degrees of success.

The only real problem for me is time. I find myself setting up a fictitious airfield, which lasts sometimes all day.

Then when I go back to do some more work on it, I've forgotten where I left off.

Which leaves me with several folders, mostly containing the same-ish files. :D

This is my problem and not the fault of ADE. I think I need to get a more structured plan of attack.

I think I'm going to invest in a new ssd to use solely for ADE.

Keep up the great work Jon, ADE is a great piece of software and I know I'm not alone when I say that.


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Great work, Jon. I've been using it for a week or more, since the first e-mail, and like it very much. As always, thanks for your contribution to our community. ADE is a great resource.


John Allard

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I would love to be able to use ADE to create my local airfield (Lower Upham)..

I tried it a year or so ago and just couldn't do what I wanted to.  Nothing wrong with ADE, just me...! :fool:

I guess I just need to read the manual from start to finish before I try and do anything. I got far too excited after the first few chapters and jumped straight in!



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Steph, just have a go at the tutorials in there manual. They helped everything click for me when I dabbled with it


I'll give it a go.. question though, if you don't mind me asking, is there a basic rule for new APs ?  like 1. Set up an exclusion area 2. Flatten 3. add runways etc.  really really basic !?

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Hi Steph,

You will find everything you need to know and more at www.fsdeveloper.com

Join the forum if you are not already in. There is a wealth of information and help there.

I find it invaluable.

When you want to create a new/fictitious airport/field, slew your aircraft to the general area, and get the co-ords. Write these down.

I tend to slew to where I wish the centre of the airfield or runway to be and find out the altitude.

From there, I use a flatten and exclude to start things off.

I am still learning, so check out the above web site and dive straight in.

One tip I can give is, always save your work into a folder out with fsx. Also, save regularly, every five minutes or so.

Good luck and don't forget, there are no daft questions, so keep asking.

Cheers for now


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