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Alan, i will give you the one advice that’s going to make the difference for you between w7 nightmare and enjoyable

firstly and sadly; I’m going to ask you to remove your FSX installation

i know you have installed it to root drive and this is also the root of your problem

all applications accessing the root drive for data

will run into a complex security policy weave they must comply with

im not going to go into the technical details; instead i will explain how you should treat W7 for hassle free life

the following step is mandatory for me for many reasons; one of them is the security problems with Win7 and up

i make a new Program Files folder under D drive; and install all my programs into there

with the exception of office or PS etc…; all other programs install into D:\Program files\

combined with David’s advice above; and this

you will never run into security issues with any software installed into D

There are many more step you can take with W7 to further free your system up

And bring it close to where you’re in control of things

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Always, always always run EVERYTHING "As Administrator" in Win7.



you really don’t!

once you run an application as admin

yes it gets elevated permission

but it also runs in an isolated memory space

for example, open Photoshop as admin;

than try to drag an image into your main PS screen

i can tell you up front it won’t work

you will need to go through the file>open and brows for your file from within PS

just to illustrate other side effects of "run as admin"

i am the administrator on my system, i login as the full administrator

no need to run as admin and call the isolated workspace ;)

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Chris I think that you are wrong here on a few issues, firstly the default position of fsx is in c:/ program files (x86) where some gurus believe that it suffers windows protection issues, well it is not the case as i have used my default position and also just a fsx on the c drive and it makes no difference at all.

also if you exe a program using admin rights it will not auatomatically use them again unless you tick the box in the properties of the program.

the only reason allan is getting this problem is the user protection slider as mentioned in an earlier thread.


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but... i am a guru ;)

trust me on this; i know I’m not wrong there

my advice is clearly stating David’s slider recommendation (one post before)with my suggested guidelines

i manage systems for a living almost 20 years now; i won’t steer you wrong

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Thanks guys, I'm running FS9 not FSX. The addons are from JF so should work as advertised, It seems to be the additional scenery files that it doesn't like. There is no D drive in this unit. I told my engineer to leave it out as it was never used. I have the main C drive and an external hard drive for back up. Those 2 alone give me 2TB of storage space. I've reinstalled the base sim about a dozen times since friday to try and get round the problem. Taking it back to my techies workshop tomorrow to get him to have a nose at it. I've added quite a few aircraft to  the system now so am loathe to dismantle it yet again. I'ts probably soething thats staring me in the face but damned if I can see it.


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Managed to get it working, That slider tip did it. However not all aircrafdt and sceries function correctly as some will not work on W7.  :(   I'll persevere for now but may add FSX and try and get that to work..

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