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MyPC8MyBrain last won the day on June 29 2018

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About MyPC8MyBrain

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    Chris Bell
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    L.A., CA

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  1. Thank you for your feedback Andrew, we do have a full line of NE products that support FSX and SE, if there will be demand for SE or X we would add these to NG line,
  2. Night Environment - California North NG Released!!! ✈ Enjoy the most spectacular and advanced night experience out there to date, Night Environment Next Generation California North brings California North night visuals like never before, we added more 3D lights, even more colored 3D lights, alternating Traffic Lights, coupled with extensive class controls, Night Environment NG renders night time flight accurately and with high fidelity like never seen before, Night Environment NG data is so accurate it can be used for real VFR night flight training, Night Environment Next Gen
  3. Hi all, We are pleased to announce our NEW Night Environment Next Generation (NG) Product line we will be releasing in the up coming weeks for Prepar3D v4/5, Official Announcement and more info can be found here
  4. that would be interesting beehive for sure as soon as the service available out here; ill have our drone video their drone delivering :D
  5. YaY \ o / Thank you Joe <3 i would still love it as a friend and as a personal challenge! to work with you to get you the perfect sky you are envisioning at night we do have controls we can work with, down to individual setting for each one of the 58 stars used in navigation,
  6. there is also an additional global switch you can use to increase stars brightness with any data set being applied, stars global brightness can be adjusted in both situation with HDR is ON or OFF! to further refine any database global brightness, this will further refine how stars are finally rendered on each specific screen, i know i said its not designed for navigation, still... challenge me!
  7. i should probably mention that from the data we have; rendering below MAG7 yields very close to the 9k records currently exists in sim native database, that is why we opted to start Stargazer at MAG7 and didn't bother with offering anything below that, our MAG7 is not far from Sim native database starting at 16k records vs sim's 9k native records, we give you everything from there to the most ridicules MAG that still makes sense rendered
  8. i know you don't take these reviews lightly Joe you were very enthusiastic from day one with regards to stars data, your interest in astronomy is far more advance then most simmers i know, that's one of the reasons it wasn't as formal as it should have been due to our numerous discussions on the topic, it is still your point of view i have no issues with that, i just feel a miss, we should have match expectation earlier, i was sure you would perceive Stargazer as an ambiance addon with added real values in it; rather than a straight up navigation aid addon, ye
  9. we haven't rendered multicolored stars, its a single white colored with difference in brightness, size, and distance, if you noticed colored green blue or red dotted stars that means you had HDR turned to off! which explains why you saw colored stars as P3D cannot render these shades with HDR off, to get a less exaggerated result for the purpose of navigating by stars; you could have used Mag 7 without HDR which would bring out a more familiar patterns you were looking for this addon is not meant to use for star navigation and never claimed to be! yes
  10. i am little surprised with the images posted and obviously the result you see in your sim at night it doesn't look anything like Stargazer; more like default Stars! is your HDR turned on in these shoots?
  11. indeed Joe Stargazer is a product on its own merits unrelated to Black Marble NG release Stargazer https://forums.chrisbelldesigns.com/topic/681-stargazer-project-released/ Black Marble Next Generation (NG) https://forums.chrisbelldesigns.com/topic/702-black-marble-next-generation-released/
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