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This gripping flight is just me, celebrating the arrival of Spring!



This one runs 17 minutes...It was a LOT of fun to fly ;)


This video is full HD and should be viewed with the Quality clicked up to 1080p and the Full Screen icon at bottom right corner clicked.


Thanks for looking  :thanks:



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There are over one hundred videos on there...Thanks for watching a video for its full length  :thanks:

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Nice flying Peter. :thum: Thanks the way to shake out the cobwebs. :D

Was that a wing dip I saw at 4.26 :unsure: That was close if not. :scare:

No it was just close Brett...I have touched a tip a few times in the Icon but it always makes a splashy wake if it really touches...In the real aeroplane I have seen film of them taxying at high speed and using bank to turn instead of rudder and they did prolonged turns with a tip making wake.

The place in my video where I almost loose it is as I stall over the mountain ridge and fall over the other side, avoiding a big tree by pure luck!

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Whoa Peter, more daredevil stuff, I thought you were going to go under the pier at 920. :yikes: If that is MS Flight I'm impressed by the graphics, the shadow of the plane moved with the contours of the ground.



Shame they made it a game.     :(

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Whoa Peter, more daredevil stuff, I thought you were going to go under the pier at 920. :yikes: If that is MS Flight I'm impressed by the graphics, the shadow of the plane moved with the contours of the ground.

Shame they made it a game. :(

Yes, the code and graphics are very superior to FS9 or FSX and that is out of the box...You can't add anything to it and you get good frame rates too! The lighting and shadow treatment is also very superior. As for the Game aspects...Well that video is pure simulation in "Free Flight" with no game points for anything...But, I do like to play the game side as well, mainly using the Job Boards at airports. I think I have just about all the "aerocaches" now at a total of 313 but I look at each one of the day, in case I have not already got it. I fly MS FLIGHT every day and it is my favourite Flight Sim :)

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Does this mean the end for your airport? :(

Not really Brett...It still lives in FS9 and P3D v1.4 but I have not been there for a long time. I will probably eventually upgrade my machine and put it in P3D v 2.x but I'm not in a hurry to do that. I might even wait for version 3! :)

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