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more aerofly pics to enjoy

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unlike some people who think that aerofly is not sufficiently meritorious to warrant a review, I think that it has a lot going for it.

Yes some of the guages dont work yet nor do the radios, but what does that matter, when you are flying around a beautiful country in VFR and you are just drinking in the scenery? in a relaible a/c

one of the noticeable differences with fsx and xp10 is that things like mountains are not blurred if they are in the distance so it is like real life per se

see what you think



another thing is that the a/c seem to have more 3d depth to them ie not so flat



and you can set the level of haze down to very thick fog







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Here's a great video from AeroFly:

Miro Kantarsky has done several like this. See them here:


Cheers - Dai. :cool:


P.S. Sorry, the Forum editor won't let me use a hyperlink - don't know why...

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Thanks for that Dai, there is no getting away from it the scenery and the way it is portrayed is just mind boggling fsx even with france vfr rhone alps region cant compete with this.

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Yes, great scenery and according to some, very good flight dynamics. Too bad its scope consists only of a tiny country, has about eight planes, no traffic, no ATC, no navaids, no WX...

I can't see this being a serious contender. I could be wrong but it takes deep pockets to develop or purchase all that stuff and I don't see any indication that these guys have the kind of financial backing needed to assemble all that.


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