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737NGX MCP Training Video Status

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Hello everyone,


Because my current 737NGX training video series is taking so long to complete, I wanted to post a short YouTube video explaining the current status of the project.


It's on the 737NGX MCP and me and the review team are about 40% finished with this series.


I think when we are finished, it will be somewhere between 14 and 16 videos for the whole series - whew!


I am working on this full time but it is a lot of material and is taking a lot of time.


Anyway, I wanted to give you all who are interested in this, a kind of status of where we are in the production of these videos.


As with all of my 737NGX Basics Boot Camp Series training videos, these will be made available completely free of charge.


Here is the YouTube link with the current MCP project status and my review team:



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  • 4 weeks later...

Update - I just released the first 10 MCP training videos in this series. I'm back at work now finishing up this series and I think I'll need 6 to 8 more videos! Another month of work. These are all available to view free of charge, so enjoy!


You can find these MCP training videos on my 737NGX YouTube Channel here: https://www.youtube.com/user/rfresh1011


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