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MegaSceneryEarth, Adjacent areas within same scenery

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Adjacent areas within same scenery


I have sent to PC Aviation’s support dept.  more than 10 e-mails, have opened more than 3 different tickets and no answer from these guys. That is why I am begging from any fellow simmer that is familiar with MegaSceneryEarths´ sceneries to give me a hand with the following issue.


Although I have similar problems with the Belgium, Netherland and England sceneries I will only address the problem I have with the Germany North scenery since this is the scenery that is in worse shape.    As it can be appreciated in the attached image of the area around Neubrandenburg there are three areas that have different texture, color, resolution, etc. adjacent to each other and meet at one common point.  I don´t think is my wrong doing because I have used the FSX

for several years, have followed the installations instructions very closely and reloaded the scenery several time by hand (one by one) and also as a group using their Installer Manager utility software.


Can someone tell me if this problem can be fixed and how? There are other areas within the same scenery that have the same kind of problem as well as discoloring, watermasking, etc. a real mess.    TY!!!




PS, the area around the airport of Northampton, EGBK in the England Scenery has the same problem with adjacent areas of different quality and texture.     


  • Note: I have not been able to find away to insert an image. I found the following in your Attachment instructions:   “Depending on where in the community you are posting your message at, you may be able to upload attachments to your message.”  ????????????????????????????????


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Hi Marbasan, I'm afraid I don't own the MSE eng&wales product so I can only hypothesise that this is simply due to variations in source material that the developer used, but didn't correct. Some photoscenery products are colour matched and blended across tiles, but some aren't. Given the accompanying lack of water masking that comes with these titles, I think it's a good bet the developer didn't bother to correct the mismatch. sorry K

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MR. Kevin Firth thank you for your prompt answer. I would assume these European sceneries are still in beta and they should quickly go back to their drawing board and redo them completely. At the price they charge they will make quite a few customers pretty angry, meaning they will lose them forever. They have lost me.


Other sceneries with similar problems :


 The area around the airport of Northampton, EGBK in the England Scenery has the same problem with adjacent areas of different quality and texture.


The area around the airport of Brussels EBMB, Belgium.

The area around the airports of St Hubert EBSU and Bertrix EBBX, Belgium


Northern border line between Netherland and North Germany big mess!!!




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