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Can anyone help with this odd fault i'm getting on FSX. It doesn't happen on all my props or helos. But a mixture of both freeware and payware models. I have tried reducing the cloud density, but not sure what else I can do as there is no definate pattern. But the problem is that on certain aircraft the prop/rotor textures go BEHIND the clouds! Any suggestions ?








It's all rather odd!


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As far as I recall, there were two problems in FSX with props on aircraft ported over from FS9, the issue you are highlighting here, and a worse one, where the area of the spinning prop was a black disc.


If I recall correctly, this is an inherent problem with FS9 aircraft ported over to FSX and the only way to fix it is to rework the prop textures.




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If I recall correctly, this is an inherent problem with FS9 aircraft ported over to FSX and the only way to fix it is to rework the prop textures.




I wouldn't know where to start on that sort of thing i'm afraid!

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its the alpha channel mapping missing or reversed

you can see how your props become transparent over white background only

if you send over the prop bmp files; ill fix it for you


you can learn to hook a bait and fish on your own here

How to upgrade the propellers in FS9 aircraft for FSX-SP2

(you can ignore the instructions to install mwgfx.dll, its an old article;

the latest DXTBMP installer does this automatically now,

download it from here http://www.mwgfx.co.uk/programs/dxtbmp.htm)

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   I'm afraid that won't fix the "prop behind clouds" effect....that's why i gave up on many free, but very nice models. I just find it way too annoying. Its related to the FS9 model file, which is somehow different than the FSX. Don't get on your nerves Allan. The best you can do, is to fly these port-overs with clear sky. Still, you might have some issues with the autogen objects on the ground (same as with the clouds).




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This is a great fix, but...

One thing that this cannot fix, or even make worse, is how clouds and/or autogen display behind or though the prop disc(s). Short story is, that's an artifact of FS9 vs FSX modeling and texture assignments, and display techniques, and it simply will be what it will be until an FSX-specific version of that aircraft is created.

Also, be careful with xxx.dds images, they can be incompatible with the older FS9 .mdl format!

Oh, the joys of applying textures - and that's without thinking about the next version of P3D...

Cheers - Dai. :old-git:

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