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200 years after the battle of Waterloo the result is turned over!

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This year I am fortunate enough to be attending the 200 year commemorations for the battle of Waterloo. A unique event as the 100 years celebration were interrupted by a little matter of the First World War. These will be held over two days at the battlefield. I was to attend both days; a Friday and a Saturday. And then I read this:



Can you believe the temerity of it!!!!!


Or perhaps there was some kind of recount?

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well hats off to the froggies , after all they are still proud of their country even in defeat, unlike the uk where it is against the law to even fly the union flag and if you do one of your neighbours would rat on you as it is against his religion.


My wife and I were lucky enough to be given a personal tour of the library of Strathfield Saye by the actual  Duke of Wellington who has receently passed away it was full of books on, and written by, napoleon.

the iron duke made it his job to know his enemy!! and thereby know his weaknesses. My wife asked to borrow one or two , he simply smiled. a lovely dapper little man , in his private suite he had a photo of his daughter with Prince Charles (apparently she was one of the favoured ones before Diana came along.)

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It's an old truism that the victors get to write the history books, but lately, after a long time has passed, revisionist versions of history do pop up from time to time. Denials of the Holocaust in Europe and the Armenian genocide are recent examples.


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alan seeing how germany is running roughshod over all of europe at the moment I am not so sure they did lose the last war their economy is a lot stronger than the uk's all you have to do is look at their car industry as an example.

who is the largest uk owned car producer?  (this will surprise all)


as for footie , well we had to wait 70 years too win wimbledon  again maybe history will repeat this as well , however i cant see it there are far too many prima donnas on the uk pitch, and too few good uk born players.

but we live in hope.

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