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Global Warming - I Was Wrong!

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I know Mutley doesn't like too much controversy on the forum so I will make this relatively brief.


Over the years, primarily on Just Flight and more recently on Mutley's Hangar, I have responded to and posted threads on man made global warming. I have frequently labelled individuals as "deniers", as politically motivated, selfish, illogical and downright stupid.


Well do I look stupid now! I have recently been in conversation, both by PM [on another forum] and via email, with one of the most knowledgeable climate experts I have had the pleasure of communicating with. To cut a long story short, after several weeks of PM's and emails, I am know absolutely convinced that man made global warming has been vastly exaggerated, both by the scientific community and by science in general.


Don't get me wrong, in no way to am I adopting the "scientist's were deliberately lying" mantra. On the contrary, the information that was fed to me has made it quite clear that in no way were the scientists aware that their data was invalid.


Likewise, in no way am I denying that our CO2 emissions are warming the planet. In fact they are warming the planet, but what 99% of the scientific community were unaware of is that there resides on this planet of ours, for want of a better word, a mega-heat sink [this is not the correct technical term] that is perfectly capable of absorbing almost all of the heat from our emissions with absolute ease. Specifically, they miscalculated by an order of magnitude the "specific heat absorbing capacity" of the Earth's rocks. Not to mention other factors that are quite frankly beyond my current understanding.


I need to check with Mr Mutant Mutley that it's okay for me to post all the relevant data and excerpts from the email conversations I have had. And indeed, if my source is okay with me posting his name. When that process is complete, and after reading what I have planned for you... YOU WILL BE STUNNED!


Finally, and importantly, I would like to pass on an unreserved public apology to anyone I have labelled as an idiot over the years. Your instincts were right and my tendency to rigidly and stubbornly cling to the "scientific viewpoint" was utterly wrong.


You were right, scientist do get it wrong!


More to follow if Mutley allows!



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Well, an epiphanical moment! Excellent, I was wondering how long it would take you to see sense. Clearly, the effect of the 'mega-sink' (I won't let on what it really is, at this time - I don't want to take any kudos from your announcement) is far more important than we thought!

Wow! And thanks for your sincere apologies. They are, indeed, most acceptable,

A great day.

Cheers - Dai. :old-git:

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Thanks Dai. To be honest, with all the crap I've given people over the years I'm not sure a simple apology is enough.


I'm surprised you've heard about this. There's not much around yet.


I'll send you via PM what I have, perhaps you could reciprocate.

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Anyone who is prepared to admit that they might have been wrong in public deserves all the kudos and forgiveness that they can get. I do not have an opinion either way on the global warming subject, but I am keen to see this information that you will hopefully be allowed to provide.

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Look at the date, Martin you rascal,





Knowing me as you do, do you REALLY think I would deny that global warming is a threat? Really, do you really?


Climate change is the most important issue we face. When I say "important issue", I no longer mean in terms of the planet getting hotter [the only hot air is the crap spewed out of scientists mouths] I mean in terms of the vast amount of money being spent in order to mitigate an imaginary issue that popped up as a result of the underestimate of the capability of rocks to absorb excess heat. Why do you think chunks of rock are used in storage heaters??? Why do you think concrete walls are used as a thermal mass in passive houses??? Think about it!!!


I'll post some links later, once I get the okay from Doctor Michaels, my source. Who just happens to know his stuff. 


Seriously guys, this is embarrassing enough for me, no need to make fun.

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Clearly on April 1st there has been a strange reversal of the laws that govern reality. Tomorrow we will be back to normal.


Fictitious or not, at least I got a chance to post a global warming topic on the Hangar without it being locked!  :thum:


The real message is hidden in code in my first post!

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