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Christopher Low

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About Christopher Low

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  • Birthday 31/07/1967

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  • Name
    Christopher Low
  • Location
    Ulverston, England

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  1. It is great that it is now a two day event. I will be part of the FSReborn team this year, so someone else will need to take over the responsibilty of guarding the front door for an hour before it opens Looking forward to seeing you all again.
  2. That last one is Biggin Hill.....
  3. Looking forward to seeing you all again, and hoping to have a good chat with the JustFlight guys after the show is over.
  4. The discount is £7 for the Early Access version (£27.99 against £34.99 for the full version when it is released).
  5. I would be surprised to see Dovetail Games this year.
  6. I have just booked my accommodation....for two nights this time
  7. I am debating what specification I will need, Kevin. I have heard that hexacore CPUs are better for P3D these days than quadcore, but I do not know for certain. In addition, do I really need one with hyperthreading or not? The i5 8600k is somewhat cheaper than the i7 8700k! I guess that I should be asking Steve Waite these questions The kind of spec that I am looking at is as follows..... i7 8700k/i5 8600k CPU (overclocked) 32GB 2666 Mhz DDR4 RAM 8GB GeForce GTX 1070 Ti
  8. This announcement has set the 2019 flight simulation roadmap for me, but I will need a new PC to run all of this at acceptable framerates (and with clouds). The problem is that PCs seem to be getting more and more expensive. I have just compiled a test specification with PC Specialist, and the price came to over £1600 including VAT
  9. This the best flight simulation news I have heard in a long time, Joe.
  10. Minor version updates are always free, John.
  11. Just a quick update to let you know that Gary has confirmed that Belfast City Xtreme and Guernsey Xtreme will be the last UK2000 products released for FS2004.
  12. Get yourself a copy of UK2000 Luton Xtreme, Joe!
  13. Great to hear from you, Ray! I hope that your health issues are behind you, and I look forward to checking out v4.3 of the FSX Power Project. Just out of curiosity....have you added the two wind turbines at EGNX East Midlands? With respect to the steam effects, is this the reason why I experience excessive stutters in certain areas? I have noted the stuttering close to EGGP Liverpool, but it also happens elsewhere. It would be good to see an improvement in that department!
  14. A quick search revealed this, so it looks like both the Illustrious and the Invincible may well be at Sim Outhouse. You need to register to download anything. http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/showthread.php/82143-HMS-Illustrious-(R06)-zip
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