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Freeware at AlphaSim

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I've noted that AlphaSim, the company that created the B-24 Liberator I reviewed recently, has a pretty large section of freeware on their site. It includes both AC and scenery, some for CFS2 and some for FS. There are some very interesting titles. This is their older stuff, which they are making available for download with the usual freeware stipulations. You can do pretty much whatever you like with it except sell it.

Have a look. They're a good software house and even their older offerings are likely to be worth having.


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Does anyone have the Harrier from the freeware section? What's it like?

I'm not much of a military jet man but I might have a look at it, i'm not expecting no vertical takeoff and hovering features.

(I hear some of you saying just download it and find out! however, my computer is a bit short of space and every little helps :thum: )

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Don't forget the Harrier, in reality, won't take off vertically when heavy. Must be light weight. There is a limit to hover time also, the engines are water cooled during the hover, and there is a limited water supply.

Just in case it helps.

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