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I've said for a long time that we should have bought these!

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Ever since the UK decided to buy the F35 for the new carriers i've thought that the F35 was a dead duck and that the Rafale M should have been a far better alternative, It was in service and combat proven. It has always been a slow burner as regards exports, but I think with the F35s ongoing and well publicised problems it's time to take a fresh look at the alternative. It may be too late to convert the first carrier (Queen Elizabeth)to a through deck ship, but Prince of Wales is still on the blocks and could be converted. To me it would make perfect sense, it could also be built under license or on co-operation with Dassault, after all France is a nearer neighbour than the USA and moving parts through Europe would be a lot easier. It may sound simplistic but itworks for me.


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To tell you the truth, I don't think it has anything to do with the quality or comparative nature of the aircraft but something more sinister, politics as usual. Plus the big boys like the newest toys. :P 


I would say to not even touch this subject for that reason and since the F35 is not fully tested yet we can't even compare the two at this time.



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I have a feeling, that in time, the F-35B will be highly regarded. it might not have the range and payload of a conventional carrier aircraft, F-18 or Rafale, but it will do everything the UK needs it to do in my opinion.

Given that a British company were heavily involved in the F-35's development, not a chance in hell of the UK ever opting for the Rafale.

The Rafale technology demonstrator was built way back in 1986. Not sure what kind of upgrades they've added, but I can guarantee it won't be as sophisticated as the F-35.

Neither aircraft are 100% stealthy of course.

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