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at last, I got it working.....

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So several years ago I bought XP10, always struggled to get my head around it. Thanks to some help from Jess I have downloaded some UK scenery, bought a good version of EGGD (no pics here yet) and a nice Carenado CT206H Stationair. The shots are from around 4000-5000ft in the West Country, probably north of Exeter. Need to read the manual though as I can't work out ATC and the settings are as they were on install...I feel I have a lot to learn here but at last I have pushed on and got it running....

I am getting between 30-50fps and vas was 4.2 but I recently ugraded to 16gb RAM .sorry there is no gaps.....xp2.jpgxp3.jpgxp4.jpgxp5.jpgand this is 64bit....my CPU was using a 4 cores at approx 48% and my GTX970 4GB was less than 25%........

hope you like the pics, I was thinking that it took so long to get FSX & P3D up to how I wanted them so why not just push on with this...


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Glad you like X-Plane Wain, I've been using version 10 since it was released so if I can help in any way just let me know. I think you also will benefit from Skymaxx Pro clouds and sky textures available from X-aviation.com.


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Cheers Phil...steep learning curve after years of FSX & P3D...been spoilt with the likes of ASN..REX..ORBX...PFPX and Aerosofts A320....added a few things but early days...

Is Skymaxx worth the money? Dk you use Photo scenery?

I think one of your recent posting of pics inspired me to get this sorted...

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Skymaxx is worth the money but please be aware that it is NOT a weather engine. I have loads of freeware HD photo scenery that looks great. I'll take some screenshots of the various scenery I have and put the on the screenshot section. You have pretty much the same spec system as me apart from you have a higher spec graphics card than me.


If you go to rendering options in X-Plane take a look at your texture resolution setting. set it to very high and tick the texture compression box too, the difference in visual quality is very minimal but you will save about 40% VRAM usage!! not sure what it sets as default but its worth a look.


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