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Thanks guys, yeah true Matt, I think once all the testing is done I will probably keep with P3D and keep XP to see how that goes in the future, for me FSX is not something I really use anymore, just in testing but once thats all sorted and released it will be removed. I may dip into Dovetails new sim when that comes out later this year just to keep up with developements.


As long as I am able to run AH then I will be happy, that is why I would never go completely to XP. Its also nice to see how they all work slightly different, if XP had a developer like ORBX then it would be amazing, all my scenery in there is currently freeware and just UK/EU.....It does lack parked traffic at airports and all the cars travel on the wrong side of the road in the UK. Also I am having to learn things that in P3D/FSX comes naturally, XP does ATC etc different.


Did 1st full flight yesterday, no pics during flight but a few at the destination airport, which is default EGBB. I have got some Airports coming from Pilot plus for XP once I have them sorted I will post some pics.



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