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DX10 uninstall or just turn dx9 on

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Ok so I have had a few fatal errors..fsx closes and restarts..tracked back to about the time I reinstalled dx10 fixer... to test should i uninstall fixer or just change it back to dx9..

If uninstall should I delete fsx.cfg and let it rebuild..

Nothi g else has changed..no updates nothing just dx10 and all the changes as per manual..

Advice please...

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It's a shame that you have had issues as it's so much better in dx10 imo these days. To uninstall I would switch to dx9 in switcher and uninstall the libraries too.

You could then delete the fsx.cfg and let it be rebuilt.

Have you looked at your windows event log after the crash? You could search for a fix if you find something.

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I've been using DX10 (with the Fixer) exclusively for a long time now without any problems.


Which isn't much help, I know — other than to suggest that it might not be entirely fair to assume that DX10 is the cause of your errors? There is such a thing as coincidence....   :cool:





a.k.a. brian747


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Yeah I totally agree with you Brian, will test for 2 weeks on DX9, then 2 weeks back on DX10....see how it goes, no errors 1st week DX9....could be a multitude of things...

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