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Bruce (a.k.a. brian747)

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Bruce (a.k.a. brian747) last won the day on April 17 2016

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142 Good

About Bruce (a.k.a. brian747)

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  • Name
    Brian Cowell
  • Location
    2 nm from EGLF rwy 06

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  1. Great review, Joe! I just might have to get my TDv2 into there.... Cheers, B.
  2. I'm with you guys. Flights of that length are strictly for people who are being paid a helluvva lot more than me! Cheers, bruce a.k.a. brian747
  3. Many thanks for that, Chris, that's very helpful. Cheers, bruce a.k.a. brian747
  4. I'm *still* in two minds about moving to P3D. It seems an awful lot of hassle, considering that the process will break many of my older airports some of which date back quite a way (OK maybe I can get some of them back with the Flightsim Estonia Migration Tool, and maybe not), but worse still, financially speaking it would also force me to re-buy my PMDG titles and various other things such as the RealAir Turbine Duke and the Flight1 GTN 750, so they would all have to be added to the rapidly-mounting cost. My FSX runs well and looks good (in DX10 mode, thanks to The Fixer), so it a
  5. Here in Europe, most people feel aggrieved if their holiday flights are more than about five hours in duration. But in the world of intercontinental travel, there are many flights which are seriously longer than that. Some may recall Singapore Airlines’ almost 19 hour, 9,534-mile trip from Newark to Singapore — although the all-business-class Flight 21 was axed in 2013, nine years after it began. Today, two airlines compete for the title of the world’s longest non-stop flight: the tied winners are Emirates Flight 449 from Dubai to Auckland, New Zealand, and Air India from San Franc
  6. Good video, and a nicely-judged approach. @Matt <grin> Your view is the opposite of mine. On the (rather rare) occasions that I feel like a GA vlight, the Turbine Duke v2 is the only light aircraft I consider using. It takes all sorts.... Cheers, bruce a.k.a. brian747
  7. Cheers, Wayne! @Joe FYI — I just clicked the "Orbx Guide" link in FTX Central, and what it brought up was not the May 2016 Definitive Guide. (Presumably they haven't updated the link yet). The version I get from the link in FTX Central has a green band with "Volume 1" at the top left-hand corner, and is called "An Introduction & Overview". (It has 41 pages) The May 2016 'Definitive Guide' (downloaded from the links I gave in the first post in this thread) has no such green band, and has "MAY2016" below the words "FTX" and "The Defini
  8. No updates for me in FTX Central. So presumably I must have picked up the update already. Cheers, bruce a.k.a. brian747
  9. <grin> I found it whilst Googling for the link to give someone else. Whatever works.... Cheers, B.
  10. I've just noticed that Orbx have issued a new version of "FTX – The Definitive Guide", this one dated May 2016. (If you've got an older version you'll find that it isn't vastly different, but it has been updated in places). The Guide tells you about all the stuff you need to know when installing (or uninstalling) Orbx scenery — how to use the insertion point to get the Orbx files at the correct position in your scenery.cfg hierarchy, the place and function of the various Orbx scenery offerings in what they call 'the simulator "Layer Cake"', useful options when using FTX Central, th
  11. > " It worked fine plugged into USB3 on my old iMac ..." Ah c'mon, Tim, you're not saying you've gone over to the Dark Side? The USB3/X52 problem relates only (AFAIK) to Windoze boxes fitted with certain current motherboards, notably some some <*cough*> Asus variants. Allegedly (but YMMV). Cheers, B.
  12. Agreed about the X52. Having said that, however, the X52 does suffer from one teeny problem if you're using it via USB3 — you need to disable Intel xHCI mode on your motherboard to get it to work. This wasn't an option for me, which is why my X52 is back in the loft. I'm assuming, though, that the OP's machine won't be fitted with USB3, so the difficulty hopefully can't arise. But it might be worth mentioning here, just in case anyone else runs into this. Cheers, bruce a.k.a. brian747
  13. > "BIG SOB." <sigh> We sincerely feel your pain, Phil, but please understand also that we do appreciate your problems from our own personal experience. Miracles are in very short supply; and AFAIK there are no multi-millionaires at Mutleys.... Please accept that sometimes it's kinder to tell someone the truth rather than to suggest sticking plaster solutions for problems needing major surgery.... Good luck, and do let us know when you get things sorted. Cheers, bruce a.k.a. brian747
  14. Hi Phil! And a warm welcome to Mutleys! But your problem is a difficult one, sadly. As Matt gently intimated, your choice is between sticking to your present machine and <*cough*> not having a good experience, or else going to the likes of Scan, Chillblast, Overclockers UK, Mesh, or whoever and getting yourself an overclocked i5 paired with an nVidia graphics card that has at least 2Gb of memory — and then you will have the sort of experience that sims are meant to give. Flight simming isn't a cheap hobby when it comes to that initial hardware outlay, unfortuna
  15. Great shots, Loic! (Many thanks for the reminder of Tongass Fjords, too). Cheers, bruce a.k.a. brian747
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