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A Tidy Hanger

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A question:

I fly just a very few aircraft and all of the are paywear such as A2A and Carenado. Can someone tell me how to best delete all the default aircraft and helicopter images I have no interest in. And, is it going to mess with FSX:S if I do so. Thanks.

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Hi, my advice would be don't delete any default aircraft they may be being used for traffic in ai programs and the default flight if you have to restore your fsx.cfg file.


I have had problems in the past and they don't really take up that much space so stick with them if you can.




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11 hours ago, Bumblebee said:

I'll have a look at that, thanks.


Just be warned though - Joe is right, if you have any traffic addons that use the default models this may cause issues. I usually keep all the default the same, and only do it for my payware addons that have a million liveries :)

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