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Flying Lesson 7.12.08

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Hello everyone now as promised here is a report and pictures of my flying lesson(s). I had one this morning which I had to get up at 6.45am as my lesson was at 8.30am but it was worth it :clap:. On the way to Denham I stopped off at Macdonalds for some breakfast. The journey presented a cold but clear morning in my area but as we approached Denham the airfield was covered in Fog :wink: my heart sunk but I went inside to the office and found that flying was still on today; also the lesson for today was flapless landings :-)

My point in question..which turned out to be my favourite photo:


The Pilot Centre:


Armed with my hot chocolate from Macdonalds I sat down for a few moments waiting for my instructor who soon arrived. Due to the cold night temperatures the aircraft are parked in the hangars so we headed out to pick up our aircraft; G-BNSN.

Here she is, you can see the frost on the grass:


Took this whilst doing the A-check.


One of the cockpit:


My dad got this one of me taxing out for departure:


He also caught me on finals:


And taxing in after a brilliant lesson:


My first landing of the day was the best I have ever done which i was extremely proud of :thumbup: and the flapless landings take a bit of practice but I got there with pleasing results so my instructor told me.

So there we have it folks it was worth the early start and scraping ice of the car windows but I hope you enjoyed the report and I look foward to posting more in the near furture :-)

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That first shot is beautiful Dai. Really excellent photos! I am flying on Saturday and I really hope it snows the night before or something because I'd love to fly over white scenery! I'd be happy to dodge the winter weather and get flying at all though :thum:

Thanks for sharing.


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