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traffic in sight?

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I appear to be having problems spotting other traffic, when ATC says for example "traffic is five o'clock at 4000ft" what direction do they mena, I always assumed that 12 o'clock would be infront of me and 6 o'clock would be behind me, is this wrong?

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10 hours ago, wain said:

I always assumed that 12 o'clock would be infront of me and 6 o'clock would be behind me, is this wrong?


No, wain, certainly not wrong.  It's exactly correct.  Other aircraft are sometimes pretty difficult to see when in flight (real or simulated).  Seeing GA aircraft much beyond 1-1/2 - 2 miles is nearly impossible.  You might manage better seeing larger AC at longer distances but it's still only a few miles unless at night and you're seeing lights instead of the actual AC.  In the sim, the traffic labels option is a big help.  Those become visible at 10 NM. 


In the real world, the worst case I can remember is seeing traffic lower than you against city lights.  Even if you spot him, blink your eyes and he's gone.  Strobes help a lot, but there's no silver bullet. 


Eventually, HUDs will project the "targets" in our field of vision and all will be easier.  F-35 drivers have that now, with helmet-mounted HUD displays in 360 degrees.  He can look between his legs and see any traffic there, as long as his sensors can see it (or anyone else's sensors, if he's sharing data with them).



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thanks John, thought me marbles were going.......always been at the backend in RW so never had to look.....


often looked at those Neill but never pulled the trigger on a purchase...

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I too can never spot GA aircraft when ATC give a proximity alert...I use Little Nav Map which shows AI on the map...if I'm not on top of them and their vectors look 'avoidable' without adjusting course...I report "sighted" and ignore.

Edited by Captain Coffee
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