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Service Pack One!

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With the release of SP1 expected some time next week, I wonder how long after it's arrival it will be before Avsim is full of complaints.

'You said I would get better frame rate and mine is worse!'

'It's made my computer go all funny!'

It's keeps crashing!'

The best one will probably be... 'It's much better now, so how come you didn't do that in the first place?' :rofl

Anyway, I am very much looking forward to it’s release but will still have to re install FS9, despite the worrying crack in disc 4. The PSS/JF 757 looks set to be released on DVD by JF for FS9 only and will then be patched for FSX. Unless PSS come up with the patch for FSX pretty sharpish, which looks unlikely.

Airliner XP will also be releasing their A320 for FS9 only at first and then working on porting it into FSX.

So plenty of reasons to still hang on to FS9 for a bit. It will be nice to gaze at the frame counter and marvel at the 100 FPS again.

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I often fly in FS9 as you can see from ATWC, as you say the 7900 GXT just slaps FS9 in the face when it comes to FPS. I often get 100+ as well :mrhappy:

The MSFS newsgroups are giving a SP1 release date not too far away but they were going to confirm today. So anyone who likes to give support and advice to other users, Brace, brace, brace!


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Never heard of that graphics card Mut... is it as good as the GTX? :rofl

According to Phil Taylor’s blog... or was it bog... It will be next week unless something dodgy suddenly rears its head.

I must have a bash at installing FS9 at the weekend, and hope that the fracture in the disc doesn't result in a multitude of tiny shards ripping through the case and maiming everyone within a thousand paces. :cool:

I could wear full body armour I suppose. :yes:

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I think that if you send the dodgy disc to the chaps at Microsoft they'll send you a new Disc 4. I've seen it done before, not too sure whether or not they'll do it now that FSX is out though.

Alternatively you could buy this. Careful though, it's only a size X-Large, might not be big enough for you :cool:


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Don't need a Kevlar vest Dave, I have a Goa'uld personal force field, made by the Ancients you know. :mrhappy:

That might be a good idea to give the boys at MS a ring, I have heard of others being granted a free disc 4.


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