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TRACK-IR question

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Is it possible to adjust the position in the cockpit? Sometimes I appear from my in cockpit viewpoint to be stood up, can't find a way of lowering it....the usually way of moving a viewpoint doesn't work.........I will have to check if it's just in the R66 as I really had to look down to see the dials.......hope this makes sense.......its as if in VC I am sat to close and nee to push the seat back.....

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It's whatever key is assigned to "Re-center", F12 by default, unless you set it to something else in the Natural Point TrackIR software.  Adjust your position in your chair, turn your head to get exactly the view you want and push the re-center key.  Great to do if you're slouching after an hour - just re-center and continue to slouch.



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I find the stock Eye Point is never where I like it, usually it is too low and looking to high. Also, I can't raise my head very far in my boat due to the deck right above my head...so I tend to slouch down a bit, look up abit, then Center the view...when I return to my normal head position the view is just where I like it.

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If re-center doesn't do what you want, elevate yourself slightly in your chair, press Re-center, then lower yourself to a more natural position.  It will be as if you lowered the seat.  


Don't know if there's a way to change the config but that should work.



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5 hours ago, wain said:

thanks John, seem to have sorted it now.....thanks for the help and not laughing....


What's to laugh at.  Been there, done that. 


Hope it goes OK for you.





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