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Leg 19 - FAPI - FSIA Part 4 FMNN to FSIA

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Guess what? :stars:

It is raining again. But a little bit of water is not going to stop the baton from getting to it's destination. OK a lot of water. However the MET onroute is for scattered cloud and no rain, so it looks like we will be arriving to a nice sunny clear day in the Seychelles.

Here we are loaded up and ready to fire this bird up. Just like the baton needs to get to the Seychells so does this bird, so we are flying light because it is a ferry flight, however we do have one VIP passenger again, The ATWC baton. (look out for it)


Up and away we go


Saying 'Good bye' to FMNN


On cruise and above the weather, things are long a lot more sunny up here.


Cloud cover is starting to lighten up, so a dry flight looks like it is on the cards. :whis:


Still cruizen. Leaving the rain behind.


Lets get some close ups of this beautiful AC




Look Boss the baton traveling first class.


Clear blue on top and clear blue below, what a sight.


"Cap'n we are passing over Faquhar Island" - 'Gesundheit CP, oh sorry, thank you CP' (Faquhar island is a small island that is part of the Seychelles islands even if it is an hour and 30 mins flying time from the main Seychelles islands)


Some cloud building up again.


FSIA in sight, on the glide slope


Awaiting parking instructions from ground control. And as you can see the rain caught up with us again.


Now to go and look for CCA330 lounging out on some beach or in some island pub, if it is raining like this, I expect he will be regalling some of the locals in one of the pubs with all of his flight adventures. :atwc:

Boss the baton is now at it's next hand over point, over to you CCA330.

I hope and trust you all enjoyed this leg with me, it has been a long one. I will know sit back and enjoy to the legs flown by the other pilots in ATWC. I have had fun flying this leg, it did have it's challenges, but I enjoyed it none the less.

:thanks: for flying with me.

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:stars: Bravo Wayne,

A lovely selection of shots and commentary.

:thanks: I am pleased to see the baton first class, extra points to you Wayne :atwc:

I hope you find Hugo ok, he will be the one with all the adoring ATWC fans around him :whis:

Looking at these shots remind me I must book a check flight in the Cheyenne soon!

Thanks again Wayne for getting us safely to FSIA.


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Great shots, every single one was crisp, really showed off the subject. And on the last one, you even got my aircraft sitting on the ramp. (I guess the cat's out of the bag now :thanks: ). If it had been sunnier, I would have persuaded the locals out to watch you arriving, they were quite enthusiastic of my stories of the ATWCII. Yes boss, even the Seychelles Islanders know of it now.

Finally, my days of sun and beach are over, but my destination has that as well :atwc:

(Boss, theres no need to hurry with the next set of legs, I'm happy to lie in the sun in the Maldives :whis: ).

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