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Captain Henry Winslow Woollett, Royal Air Force

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Sopwith camel F.1 flown by Capt HW Woollett at Touquin, France, July 1918.  More can be found about this particular pilot here: http://www.theaerodrome.com/aces/england/woollett.php   , I've built my aircraft as a war weary example that was nearing the end of it's service life, indeed befor the war ended Capt Woollett changed to yet another Camel. This one took a bit of doing as my close range vision is not perfect and rigging was a bit of a sod to do. However overall I'm pleased with the way it came out. It was done as part of a Group Build Group on FB which for this project featured the Great War. I actually finished this one today on 10-11-2018. 1 day before Armistice day. Thanks for viewing.






With the Roland C.II






The completed display. 1/35 scale tanks :(L-R) Mk IV Female, Mk A Whippet, Mk IV Male, Mk IV Tadpole, Mk V Hermaphrodite. Front row, Sopwith Triplane, 1/72 scale, Sopwith Pup ,1/72 scale, Sopwith Camel, 1/48 scale


Thanks for viewing, comments welcome.


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Fantastic job Alan! 

We saw a Sopwith up close and personal at the Thiepval in the summer and your model really does justice.  

I love your tank/aircraft scene too.. I was lucky to see the Mk IV  "Deborah" when I was visiting Cambrai in July.. an amazing experience when you see how cramped and treacherous it must have been. 

A very fitting reminder Alan. Thanks so much for sharing your incredible work.. we will remember them.


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