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Leg 52c. Alexandria Disused HEAX to Aqaba King Hussein Intl OJAQ

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I'd love to spend some time looking around the sights of historic Alexandria, but a little bird tells me that the boss is already looking at his watch in Aqaba, so I'd better hustle. Fortunately I discovered that the plane has fuel tanks in both wings, so I think we should have enough to get to Jordan without too much drama (or spending of money!)


So, straight back into the plane without further do. We know there's nobody in the tower, so there's no point asking permission. And unregistered flight in the Middle East, what could possibly go wrong? (nothing as it turns out - Ed)


Nice view of Alex

My plan (such as it is), is to sneak along the coast, almost as far as the Gaza Strip, then sneak down the edge of Israel, and hang a left over the Red Sea. Easy Peasy!


Port Said, and the entrance to the Suez Canal.


Bardawil Lake. I think this is far enough. They can get a bit shooty-shooty too close to the border, so it's time to head inland.


I can't help but notice there's someone on my six...


An exciting view of the desert (for certain values of 'exciting')


Eventually we get to Eliat, Southernmost city of Israel. I didn't accidentally  stray across the border, that's a distortion of perspective. Honest!


The Red Sea. Nearly there . . .


Eliat pretty much merges into Aqaba - you can see how close the two cities' airports are!




Finally, an airport that isn't closed!


They're out repairing the runway, which means the boss must already be here. I just need to find which 'lounge' he's holed up in ...


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On 15/02/2019 at 06:27, Tim_A said:

Fortunately I discovered that the plane has fuel tanks in both wings

Oh, come on!  Next you're going to tell me the world is round, right?


Nice screenshots: what is that plane?  It looks something like a citation, but those business jets all look so similar to me.

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