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Leg 21: Maldives (VRMM) to Madrass (VOMM)

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Welcome to leg 21, it's been a while since I have flown in the ATWC and boy have I missed it! Being first up was a shock and looking at the flight it's a good one, a couple of hours over water which doesn't exactly make a riveting post but we will see how we go.

It was odd picking the baton up from Hugo in Male only to give it back in Madrass, he must have overtaken me on the way in his private BJ! :ap: (No he is the waist gunner....Ed)

Hugo wasn't to be seen when I arrived in Male but the word was he and Wayne were on stage at the Blue Flamingo Club. Sure enough they were there performing their version of the sand dance after loosing a bet with the locals. I took this clip on my phone so the quality is a bit dodgy.


*Ahem* back to business :bday:

You can see the route below, there is a SID & STAR to follow hand flown but the main flight was taken care of by the AP.


So before we start a bit about the aircraft, it's the Liberator B-24 for this flight with a full complement of 11 crew. They are all in this cutaway somewhere!


So the crew are-

Pilot - Joe

Co-pilot - John (The real pilot!)

Bombardier - Kieran (Nice!)

Navigator - Martyn (Lets hope he gets the right airport this time!)

Flight Engineer - Dai (Good with a spanner)

Radioman - Rob (Let's hope we can get him off Radio 1!)

Nose Gunner - Phil (Likes to shoot at birds)

Top Turret - Dgor (Who?!)

Ball Gunner - Rich Hill (Enjoys a scary ride!)

Left and Right Waist Gunner - Hugo (How did he get on!)

Tail Gunner - Wayne (Wanted to be the nose gunner but got in the wrong end!)

I'm starting #3 to be followed by 4 2 and 1 (Is that right John?)


Our chariot is "Cocktail Hour" on the side is a picture of Sharon's mother Marilyn. It's pretty warm in the pit, no fancy air con so its window open to let in the sea breeze :phew:


Lined up on Rwy 18 ready to ease all those levers forward.


Lifting her gently from the asphalt, if only you could here those radials.


Gear going up and just dropping our ball Gunner from the belly.


Hi Rich, rather you than me!


Downwind, took an extension over Male island as a show for the tourists.


Beautiful blue of the shallow coral water.


Keeping to our ATC instructions.


Turning onto our longest section, the baton rolls onto the floor.


Lined up and AP on this 650 mile stretch to the next WP is over 4 hours, time for a coffee and a read of Flypast! coffee1.gif


Here's Phil getting some target practice.


And Dgor


Joe & John having a conversation about AH!


Hugo looking out for any aircraft.


I ask the crew to familiarise themselves with the life vests :danceb:


After nearly 4 hours over water the light is fading fast,


We've been tracking the VOR and talking to the ATC at Thiruvananthapuram (You don't want to have to say that too many times) Land ahead.


Over the mainland of Southern India.


My view, steady at FL10


Everyone is now at ease, the ball turret has been raised, Rich is up in the back with Marcus and Wayne playing three card stud.


Last vestiges of the sun, the shots get dark from here on in, sorry :blush:


Over out next city VOTR just off to the right of the nose.


John's angle.


Well into our descent, Martyn assures us that's Madrass ahead, ok, the GPS confirms it, well done Martyn! :salute: checking our arrival pattern.


Turning onto final, can you see it ok?


Pretty much to plan.


Downtown, I expect they're used to all the noise overhead.


A lot of smog and mist coming down but not problem seeing the lights, There is no ILS on this runway, not that I could use it in this crate! :dance:


Lighting up the ground, nearly there.


What a greaser! You had to be there to appreciate it, Rob thought we were still on approach!


Vacating the runway and on our way to the gate.


Engines off, welcome to Madrass, beer anyone?!


Poor old Rich needed warming up!


I hope you enjoyed this flight as much as I did, Ill update the board tomorrow :ap:


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This post gets my vote for best post for ATWC II to this point. Joe this is what the spirit of ATWC is all about and you have captured it to perfection. :dance: :salute:

Well done Boss, and those shots are awsome, your sysem is really looking good.

Thanks I really enjoyed reading this post.

As for that sand thing with Hugo and myself, not one our proudest moments, a bit to much of the local brew will get you agreeing to do strange and embarasing things, the above being a good example. However as Hugo has already said, thanks for getting us out of there. As for me taking a wrong turn and head for the tail gunners seat, well that was intentional, need some recovery time. :danceb: after the sand dance.

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:danceb: for the great comments guys and joining in the fun!

The flight was a bit boring to be honest so I found myself off in fantasy land (again!!)

I can see Wayne and Hugo are going to be trouble if left alone again in the bar :salute:


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Thanks again for the comments, finally, this post is dedicated to John Allards's Father in Law Raymond F. Showers who flew these in the war.

There is is a review of the B-24 by John on Mutley's here

As you can see below, the review was so well received it was quoted on the CD box from Flight1, well done John, an excellent achievement.



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