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I know that FS Snaps is no longer in use, but as I have a few pictures installed in it, I would like to retrieve them. I can't seem to find a way to access it. If this is possible, would I be able to reinstall them into Imgur, for which I have an account.



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If you can access FS Snaps, you should be able to download/save them to your local drive. You can then upload the screenshots to any other cloud storage service, i.e. Imgur.

I guess the key issue is being able to access them from FS Snaps, which doesn't look promising.


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Hi Neil,

FS-Snaps should still be available to members who signed up before we had to take it off line. All the photos uploaded are still there, you just cannot upload new ones.

Try logging in here http://fs-snaps.com/login if that doesn't work I can give you another URL to try. So long as Mutley's Hangar is online, your photos are safe and you should be able to link to them.



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