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Leg 26 UHSS-UHWW, Yuxho-Sakhalinsk - Vladivostok

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After hearing that this leg needed flying to keep the challenge steaming along, and resigning myself to the fact I wouldn't be able to fly in this section, I decided that seeing as I was in the area me and my 747 should help out and keep the baton in the air...

All loaded up and pushing back for this short 500nm trip


Tower view as we taxi out to runway 1


hmmm, this could be a tight squeeze


'ATWC1, you are cleared for take-off'


Power on


'ATWC1 Please contact departure'


Powering away from the runway and turning to course


Climbing to our intial altitude of FL140


Up again to FL280


Cruising along at FL340


Making a turn enroute, unfortunately the visibility is not very good, otherwise we would be able to see some fantastic sights


Awesome aircraft


ATC now begins to bring us down for the approach


That looks interesting...


It's there in FS too, but not quite on our course today. A quick google search for Spassk-Dal'niy brought up several hits for Ukrainian brides. Most of which looked quite nice, but I don't think my Fiancee would be too pleased if I arrived home with one in the cargo hold...


Airport just visible if you follow the river which passes the end of the runway


Passing over downtown Vladivostok. The scenery here is nothing like Google Maps, there are lots of rivers and waterways missing


Almost at pattern altitude


'ATWC1, You are cleared to runway 7, report runway in sight'


This could become a bit rushed, my first visual approach in this baby too!!!


'ATWC1, Vladivostock tower, I have you in sight'


Looking good from the hotseat


'ATWC1, Cleared to land runway 7, winds are non-existent'


Super smooth touchdown


All parked up at the gate, passengers and the baton are de-boarding. Time to go and find the warm pilots lounge.


Over to you fighterpilot....

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Thanks for taking up the baton Rob.

Great flight there both shots and commentary :great:

I have also heard from Wayne, he has been very busy due to a recent edition to his family :rofl:

Wayne had flown the flight so will be posting the "alternative Leg 26" here too. Another Mutley's Hangar first!

Thanks to everyone for keeping us on track :rofl:


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Excellent, Rob - really enjoyed that - and thanks for stepping into the breach! It's going to be interesting to compare this with Wayne's alternative....... :thum:

BTW, the panel's got me uncertain which AC you were in!?! :thum:

Cheers - Dai. :good:

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BTW, the panel's got me uncertain which AC you were in!?!

It's the Just Flight CLS 747-200, a fantastic bird.

I'm glad that Joe has finally confessed to being in the back, he has neglected to mention that he was nursing a hangover so wasn't able to take up his position in the co-pilots seat for this flight. Instead I had to fly with some guy who we were lumbered with just before departure. I hope we don't see him again, he was full of hot air!


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