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It's ages once I last used Steam FSX.

I want to kick off from the 'get go' once more.

i've dated my 'Saved Missions' but is there  a way in which I can clear out my 'Rewards' ?

As a contented retiree I have the time to enjoy my early progress over again.


Take care, folks.

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Hi James, go into your Microsoft Flight Simulator X folder which should be in your Microsoft Games folder. In the FSX folder is another folder named Rewards and all you need to do is delete all the file names with the .RWD extension.

If you would like to save the old rewards just remove the Rewards folder to a safe place and create a new folder named Rewards in the FSX folder so your new rewards have a place to go.

One thing I don't remember is in your App data folder located here, C:\Users\YOURNAME\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX is a file named GrantedRewards.BIN and I don't remember if the .RWD files will automatically be replaced in your Rewards folder if the are deleted. Maybe someone else knows. So I would suggest deleting your rewards as explained above and flying an easy mission and see if all the rest come back. if they do so rename the GrantedRewards.BIN file in the App Data to something else like OldGrandedRewards and a new one should be generated when you fly your first mission. 

Check out this site for a list of all missions and rewards and Easter eggs possible to receive. http://www.simtours.net/  Have fun.

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Was I close to helping you or was I off the mark James? I just noticed you were talking about the Steam version so I know I was off on the folder locations.

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