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Which Core?

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My FS computer is a quad core, and lately it has been randomly turning itself off during FSX flights. This made me think that the processor might be working too hard and shutting down to stop itself from exploding (or something to that effect!). I had a look at the CPU useage etc... and FSX was using all 4 cores, so I assigned it only to use 2 cores and the PC didn't turn itself off. I loaded back up and be default it used 4 cores again and the PC turned off after a while. I've set it back to 2 cores for the current flight and so far so good. Is this a co-incidence?

Which brings me to my main question: Should I leave FSX running on all 4 cores or is it better to assign to to just 2 (I've used 3 and 4)?

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hi rob,

Mut's right, FSX SP2 (as far as i've researched) should use all 4 physical cores without issues. However, if you set it to use more through the Hyper-Threading feature (if enabled on your CPU) this could cause some issues.

If you've set the affinity in Task Manager, another thing to do would be to edit the FSX.cfg file (remember to take a back up first) as i touched on in the thread from Sam (Smeagol) regards his teething issues with the new i7 system.

this basically means adding the line:


to your FSX.cfg file. Setting the Affinity to 15 means that FSX can utilise all 4 cores simultaneously rather than maxing out on one before being assigned the second/third/fourth.

you might also want to look at this thread for more tweaks and tips, but try the above first...

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I have a core2 quad also.

I generally set the affinity mask in the task manager, with core 0 off, and the others on.

I have noticed that this setting makes fsx (and the whole system) run smoother than with all cores on, because the core 0 is available to the system, and the other three cores run with an equal workload.

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This has happened again to me tonight, just before take-off. Grr

Thinking back the only thing I have changed recently is downloading the new Internet Explorer (8 I think) and sometime after that the system crashes began to happen. Vista's error tools say there is nothing amiss and I have updated my graphics card drivers etc.. and still it happens.

Is there any way I can uninstall IE completely as I don't use it anyway. Or failing that, roll back to the previous IE version that was on my system?

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Hi Rob,

I had similar problems and I don't use IE8 either but was in the beta.

In Vista, it shows as an update rather than a program.

In order remove it, click the Start Button and select Control Panel. Select Programs (Programs and Features if you

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Thanks Mut

I uninstalled IE8, rebooted etc.. and after 10 mins in FSX my pc turned itself off again. I thought maybe this is a cooling problem, so removed the side of the case and rebooted and loaded up FSX again. All the fans are running fine inside the base unit and the system doesn't sound like it is straining too hard, running nice and quiet as ever. The after another 10-15 mins it shuts down again.

I think this problem is related soley to FSX as my finacee has been using the pc most of the day for surfing the net etc... and it hasn't shut down on her. I also use it for MS office etc.. and it never shuts down then, just when I load up FSX.

My next question, is there any diagnostic tool I can use that might be able to identify the problem?

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Just to add, I downloaded a tool that monitors the temperatures inside the PC, the image below is just after start-up of the pc


The top 2 temps seem a little high, how do i go about getting them down? I have the side off the base unit at the moment and stood a desktop fan infront of them and that didn't work. However, I have loaded up FSX in a region where I have no add-on VFR scenery and set the default C172 on a flight and left the Autopilot to it. I came back a couple of hours later and the computer hadn't turned itself off. Could it just be a case of me having the scenery settings too high so the system is shutting down to prevent damage to itself?

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  • 5 months later...

Hi Rob,

Not sure if you have solved this yet as trying to catch up with all the forums posts.

Sounds like when FSX is pushing your system it is overheating as browsing the net or running office barely stresses the CPU, let lone the GPU & Memory which all can generate a lot of heat.

I had a similar problem when I built my pc some time ago, basically, my Memory actually sits underneath my Cooler for the CPU and the GFX card is very close too, a cheap way to test is get a cheap desk fan and try it at the side of the pc with the case open, if this resolves the problem you can always try and find a side panel with a fan, or modify your existing one.

I managed to get a panel for my Thermaltake Case.

Hope I'm not too late with this

Speak Soon


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Hi Phil,

Thanks for the reply. I did try the desk fan technique and it was ok, but it just delayed the inevitable. In the end I found that a good clean out inside the case helped. I didn't realise how much dust gets sucked into the base unit over time. Now I clean it out every couple of weeks and things are fine


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