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DCA Recreates 6th Berlin Airlift Simulation

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Beginning Tuesday February 1, 2022, and continuing for a total of 12 events, DC3 AIRWAYS (www. Dc3airways.net) will stage a virtual recreation of The Berlin Airlift. This will be the 6th time in the past several years for this popular air simulation event.

Designed and directed by DCA Vice President Glen Broome these multiplayer sessions will trace the chronology of the 1948/49 Berlin airlift, following the same approach procedures and the same routes used to supply the population of West Berlin following the imposition of the Soviet blockade in June 1948.

A total of 14 airfields will be used, sometimes in fog or thunderstorms, sometimes at night. In sessions involving perhaps 20 or more pilots flying on a Multi Play platform, we will adhere as far as possible to the conditions and events of that period.

Much of the scenery that is now available creates new airfields in near photographic quality, such as EDUG Gatow. In other cases, airfields will be realistically rendered both in terms of buildings and runways/aprons/taxiways. ATC communication will be provided through TeamSpeak and visual communication will be achieved via Swift software, the preferred MP software for VATSIM. Please note that VATSIM is not involved in this project, and membership is not required.

 Pilots will deal with weather conditions as they existed for the actual Berlin Airlift flights. Not only that, but enemy flak and fire from Russian fighter planes of the period is likely to be encountered by pilots who stray from the designated air corridors into and out of Berlin.

For those of you who participated before, the challenge will be familiar. For those of you new to DC3 Airways and multiplayer in particular ... welcome ... you will experience flight simulation to a new level in this series both as regards traffic, approaches and weather. It is also a means to commemorate the events and the dedication of all those involved in keeping Berlin free in the troubled times post WWII.

For more information, and to sign up for participation, visit www.Dc3airways.net. You need not be a DCA pilot to participate, though you are always welcome to join us. This event is open to all simulation platforms. Software to take part as well as details on how to join our MP flights for visual and audio communications will be provided.

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