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RAF Tornado FSX update

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I own the RAF tornado for FS9 aswll as the upgrade for FSX, I am intending to uninstall FS9 (as this takes up valuable space on my computer). I was wondering If I uninstall the FS9 version will this also remove the FSX version. (this is a genuine question and not a thread to rack my post count up). Help would be greatly appreciated.


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I'm not aware of any shared information or data files between FS9 and FSX. Both put everything they need within their own directory structure and seem to be entirely self-contained. That's not to say that the two versions of the AC may not have some files in common, but to the extent that is the case, I would expect that there would be a copy of the common file(s) within each sim's directory structure.

Please don't take this to the bank... having an opinion doesn't make me an expert.


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So what you are saying i.s that if I uninstall the FS9 version, the FSX version will not be affected.

There's a pretty good chance that is the case but it only takes 5 minutes to re-install the FSX version if it's not :shok:


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