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Wind problems when I fly Real World Weather

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Hi lads!

I have a little problem when flying with Real World Weather, I take yesturdays flight for an example.

I was climbing out of Gardermoen airport with strange winds, when I got over FL150, the wind was starting to change 180 degrees in less than a second making my plane loose speed and stall, the winds was about 90-95 so I had to divert into landvetter as it was unflyable. I bet this isen't the case in the real world, can anyone help solving this problem?


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Try eating less beans? :rofl:

Was this the FS default weather? It's a problem that when you move into another weather station's range and out of another, the whole weather system is redrawn, often with crazy results with the wind. Payware weather add-ons do solve this problem as the smoothing between the weather stations is much better. You could try changing the slide 'rate at which weather changes' (or something to that effect) to a lower setting and maybe that will help?

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Top Line Menu -> Options -> Settings -> Weather

There's a slider for "Rate at which weather changes over time".

You probably don't want to make it any lower than medium (middle of the scale) because when descending you want to have the surface weather fully "in effect" by the time you begin to descend out of the TPA (Traffic Pattern Altitude). If you make the rate of change too slow you may be trying to fly your approach and landing in weather that's still changing from the aloft flavor to the surface settings, which you won't enjoy. A wind shift on final will add a level of complexity to your approach that is better avoided.


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I've had similar problems when using ActiveSky Advanced....What I did is to check in FSUIPC, under "Winds" an option called "Smooth wind changes around the aircraft" or something like that. However, you would need a payware version of FSUIPC

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