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George Flying with George

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That's a great shot John/George, I'm glad you didn't entitle the post here's a picture of George playing with himself! :biggrin:

I think we need to get a multi-player server up and running, I will look into it.


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Mut, I should have added that George was following up on a snake-bit presentation of shared cockpit flying from last night's meeting. George and another member tried mightily to make it work from two PCs there, but couldn't connect the two. We suspect issues related to the wireless LAN in the building where we meet, but no one is too certain. George took the photo to show that he was able to link his two home-based PCs successfully in a shared cockpit setup.


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That's a shame John, I would imagine the link would require a pretty stable signal otherwise the sim would simply drop out.

It's good to see that George did actually get it running.


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