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Air Hauler question

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Posted this on the JF-forum two nights ago, but it has been lost in a flood of messages there.

Since there is a few haulers here, i thought i'd repost here to see if anyone else has had this problem/experience.

Checked in on what my AI pilot had been up to during the night and

to my dismay I just got my first failed job.

The outcome of a hard landing (7% AC damage) resulted in a cargo of Live Pultry beeing delivered with a negative condition!

This strikes me as strange in two ways.

1. Such massive damage to the cargo compared to the AC damage

2. The fact that cargo can be more than completly destroyed

Prehaps I'm jumping to conclusions and this is a feature set in place where my company has to pay damages for the destroyed cargo, but it still feels strange to me.

Any thought on this?

Kind regards, and many thanks for a great addon/game.

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I have never seen either of those things happen, but the cargo vs. AC damage seems possible. Cargo damage can occur independently of AC damage and is normally the result of high bank or pitch angles (usually banking). When fragile cargoes begin to become available to you it gets even easier to do.

As for cargo damage beyond 100% that sounds like a bug. I'll copy your post to the testers forum and be sure it doesn't get lost in the shuffle.


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Hi John.

And since it's a AI-flight I can't go back and check on bank-angles or possible overspeed :biggrin:

Let me know if there's anything I can contribute with to in regards to finding the possible bug? Log-files of some sort, or possibly the database?

For various reasons I haven't touched the AH-company since this happened.


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From the developer, in response to what I posted on the tester's forum about this...

"Yeah - I need to look at it, there shouldn't be any way to get negative cargo condition.

AH should check if the cargo condition

I missed that it was an AI flight - bank angles and such don't enter into it. I'll go back to the tester's forum and make sure that's clear.

I'm not sure we need any of your files for this, but don't dump the company, just in case...


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