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Leg 6: In the Shetlands - Unst (EGPW) to Sumburgh (EGPB).

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Well, here we are, bright and early at Unst, in the very north of the Shetland Isles. I've been warming up the engine for the past 15 minutes - we had a bit of ground frost last night, after I arrived from EGFE. Joe, who is working off yesterday's haggis fest, has finished loading the sheep and he's just told me we're ready for the off:


As you can see, it's going to be a nice day. What was that Beatles' song? Ah, yes - "Here comes the sun".....


Taking off into the north westerly wind, from Rwy 30 at Unst, means we turn right to fly south. Yes, I know it would be easier to turn left, but you know what the boss is like - he didn't want a close up of the hills.....


The cloud base is going to mean we'll be flying under 2000' - so we'll see more of the scenery:


With the uncertain weather, the flight plan to Lerwick took in the airfields at Whalsey (EGEH) and Tingwall (EGET). Here's the view at EGEH - about a dozen houses at the village of Skaw - but a nice sea-scape....


Ah - some one else is up early! A Cessna climbing out of Tingwall, below left.....


Downwind leg, south of Sumburgh...


Turning on to final approach...


Bl**dy sheep won't stay in their seats, so we're a bit low... :unclemartin:


But we did make the numbers, honest! And, lastly, I'm re-fuelling for the trip to EGHI (more black puddings to Schwartzbergen) while Joe tries to catch the one that got away.... :stars:


And that's it from me - hope you enjoyed the flight - and, I guess, the excercise did you good, anyway, Boss!! :yikes:

Cheers - Dai. :cool:

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