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Phil, as far as I am aware to transfer your data I think you would just have to make a copy of your 'company' file and drop it into the same location on the newly installed version

Hi Rob,

I found the following post on Just Flight Forum and I am hoping thats what I need to do to transfer my company to a new machine...


You need to copy 2 items

1) The ah9.mdb and/or ahX.mdb file in the AirHauler folder, depending upon whether you are using FS9, FSX or both.

2) Your company file(s) in the Company folder which will be a .mdb file with the name you originally set the company up as. There will be one file for each company. If AH is open, you will also see ldb files there. Those do not need to be backed up - AH deletes them on closing and will re-create them on start-up.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Guys,

Been a few weeks what with the building of a New PC and installing all the software back on, but finally got back to updating the website, only a few bits and grabbed some images of the net for the blog as haven't re-instaled Photoshop yet, although I could have done it on the Mac to be honest.

Anyway pop on over and have a read and look...


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Have you tried using Active Sky to generate the weather? It really is very good and generally better than the MS default.

Hi Mutley,

Never heard of that one, will be having a look in a moment for it, just about to land my 737-800 at Dublin :thum:

I was thinking of getting REX 2, but I hate downloads, as you know I prefer everything on disc. But have been worried adding more will hit my frame rate, but seems to be running excellent now, have most settings just about right.

I don't mind the default clouds as such, but I am always keen to make it more realistic, even though I am still a novice :faint:

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Hi Phil,

I forgot about the download embargo, I have always used Active Sky (Now on the advanced edition) http://www2.hifisim.com/node/3 no the cheapest, I had forgotten that REX2 had the weather engine.

Hey this is almost real time support :thum:

My landing at Dublin didn't go to plan, someone parked another aircraft one the runway, had to go around :faint:

I think I will have to download one of these, just prefer the disc as you know, I might go for the REX 2, need to read some more to see which is better as hadn't heard of Active Sky before you just mentioned it.

Could do with replacing the ground textures more as the default ones look terrible in my opinion.

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Active Sky has always been the industry leader, it was one of the "holy trinity" before REX came along. The programs were= Flight Environment, Ground Environment and Active Sky.


I am having a read now, does either REX or Active Sky Advanced to the ground textures though, or are they both more intended to be weather engines?

It is a little confusing to start with...

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Active Sky is the weather engine, they have their own graphics called X Graphics as a separate package, not worth bothering with this is just a replacement sky and cloud colour package.

REX2 is a multi function program. It gives you the superior cloud , sky and sea textures and a weather engine.

Sorry Phil, gotta go, hope to be back later :faint:

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Active Sky is the weather engine, they have their own graphics called X Graphics as a separate package, not worth bothering with this is just a replacement sky and cloud colour package.

REX2 is a multi function program. It gives you the superior cloud , shy and sea textures and a weather engine.

Sorry Phil, gotta go, hope to be back later :faint:

Hi M8,

No problem, add me on your msn later and we can catch up, I might go for REX 2 as seems to add more value as an overall product and I can download it quick, still a shame it's not on disc, will have to make my own I guess :-)

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Great choice Phil, you'll love the difference it will make.

I forgot about the DVD service and I think it does come all the way from Oz :winka:

Ps, not on MSN any more for many reasons :nea:


Hi Mutley,

Downloaded it, took ages, then installed had a play, realised I didn't install the 2.0 patch so was running 1.0 instead.

Have just setup a route with AH and flying my Boeing 737 and low and behold it's dark now.... will have to see what it is like in daylight tomorrow... :nea:

So far so good, although my framerate coming out of my Hi Res Heathrow dropped to 6fps, up to about 30 fps in the sky though, may need a few more tweaks...

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Nice one Phil, flying at night you will not see much difference :winka:

That extra update to take it to REX2 is a P.I.T.A. but a necessary evil as highlighted by our review http://mutleyshangar.com/features/martw/rex.htm

Wait to daybreak, a pleasant surprise is install. You must fly real-time like me.


Hi Mutley.

The installation went pretty smooth and I had read a few horror stories on forums which didn't seem to effect me at all.

I do try and fly real time most of the time when playing AH with Real Weather turned on too, need to get more practice in with ILS approaches though, still not very good at them and sometimes really struggle in bad weather. Was thinking of getting a Boeing 747 soon to have a go with, but need to upgrade some of my AI aircraft too... it's tough being CEO at SlimAir :nea:

I am not sure I will every be up to see day break, im a night creature...

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Hi Phil,

When you have a spare few minutes it's well worth playing around with REX to create a theme that you like. I've got a few created for various regions of the world and if I know I want to fly there I just need to install the theme. Best to set the theme installing and go make a drink whilst it does it's work. I rarely used REX for the weather as it seems to have a few bugs which cause FSX to crash, I used ASX instead. I might have a look around their site to see if there are any updates that might help the crashing issue

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Hi Phil,

When you have a spare few minutes it's well worth playing around with REX to create a theme that you like. I've got a few created for various regions of the world and if I know I want to fly there I just need to install the theme. Best to set the theme installing and go make a drink whilst it does it's work. I rarely used REX for the weather as it seems to have a few bugs which cause FSX to crash, I used ASX instead. I might have a look around their site to see if there are any updates that might help the crashing issue

I haven't had a chance to look into the themes yet, I will do though at some point in the not to distant future.

Are you still running Vista as I am using Windows 7 and FSX hasn't crashed once, but used to with XP Pro. Also do you use Direct X 10 preview as I also have that turned off as it also is very buggy. Worth a try if it makes things more stable in FSX.

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