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From the real world........

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I think you're exactly right, Martyn. It's a cut-throat industry between carriers, with everyone looking to cut their costs to the bone to stay alive and right-seaters in particular are a dime a dozen, willing to work for almost nothing just for a chance to fly and build hours. The industry is "shaking out" as they say and companies are failing right and left, so the cost issue is valid, I guess, if not humane.

The first officer in the Buffalo crash about a year ago was making so little she couldn't afford to live in the area. She lived with her parents all the way across the country (Washington, Oregon - somewhere out west) and deadheaded back east on free flights when ever she was scheduled to fly.

Sully, of the Hudson River ditching, a full captain with a major carrier, told Congress his pay was 40% less than it had been a few years ago.


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