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Fraps question + Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

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Hi guys,

I was wondering if fraps was the best video capturing software. Now that I have the means to upload HD vids to youtube, I wanted to start making some HD FS vids, but obviously I need to purchase a video capturing software. I have always used fraps before, and the free download version records in excellent frames on my new PC - so to me that seems like the best option. Is that what most other people use (who record in-game videos)?

Here's a video I made just the other day, and fraps seems to take really nice screenshots too. (sorry for it not being FS related, but I wanted to take some Oblivion screens anyway!)


Any ideas comments/feedback about fraps is greatly appreciated!



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Hi George,

FRAPS is still the best to use and is worth getting the registered version, you get free updates and unlimited recording time.

There was supposed to be a new kid on the block called Captigame but was in beta for ages and I notice today their web site has now disappeared.

If you should ever come across a better alternative to FRAPS I would be interested. I find FRAPS to be very FPS hungry. A good tip is if you have more than one HD set the record path of FRAPS to a different drive than your FS is in, it helps a bit!

Love your shots by the way



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