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FTX freeware

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Hi, I'm hoping with the vast knowledge of experience you guys have with flight sim add on's, specifically FTX ORBX, that someone would be able to answer a question for me.

FTX has loads of freeware (

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As far as I am aware all Orbx products (apart from Aus Traffic/BOB) are designed to work in tandem with the FTX Regions.

As Rob said, you'll be left with an ugly boundary. Also, you won't get the full functions of the Airport.

But yes, it is worth installing, a vast improvement over the default.

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You guys were right. Thanks! I checked out the default FSX airstrip of YLIL

and it was a grass strip and not much else.

Then I installed YLIL from OrbX. What a difference. Buildings and everything.

Think I'll install all of them.




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