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A2A B-17G with Accu-Sim

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Some time back I bought the A2A J3 Piper Cub and their accu-sim add-on, and was very impressed.

Well, imho A2A have excelled themselves with their latest offering. The B-17 has always been one of my favourite aircraft, along with the Lancaster, and with the systems replicated in the B-17 it has become an incredible 'flying' experience. I won't bore you with all the features, I suggest anybody interested go to their website:

http://www.a2asimulations.com/store/ind ... ucts_id=39

and you can get $5.00 off if you buy the basic sim and add-on together.

I was stunned when I thought I had discovered a bug in the sim when as I was sitting on the ground for some time, looking through the four liveries, I noticed the cockpit windows on one model were opaque - almost impossible to see through them. As I continued 'playing' I opened the cockpit side windows, and the glass very quickly became clear. They appear to have modelled condensation as well!


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Ah yes, I've read somewhere else that condensation effects are included and can catch you out if you are not ready for it.

I think that A2A should just sell all their products with AccuSim as standard, once people have used it I don't think they will ask for their money back!

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Ah yes, I've read somewhere else that condensation effects are included and can catch you out if you are not ready for it.

I think that A2A should just sell all their products with AccuSim as standard, once people have used it I don't think they will ask for their money back!

Fully agree! It may be very overwhelming at first but in time you'll learn to love the accusim features.

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