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Concorde X SP1 Released (with tutorial)

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I think it will be something that is steam gauge driven and uses an INS so that they are able to use the knowledge they've gotten from developing Concorde. Guess we will just have to wait and see

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I think it will be something that is steam gauge driven and uses an INS so that they are able to use the knowledge they've gotten from developing Concorde. Guess we will just have to wait and see

Or we could keep guessing until release date! :thumbup:

Any other thoughts?


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It might be easier to do it by a process of elmination.

All the major aircraft that you would see around airports have/are already been done for FSX: A300, A32X, MD11, 747 etc... Maybe it could be some form of bizjet? But I don't think so.

Other things that would use the same sort of technology as Concorde with the gauges/INS would be the DC-10 & 747-200 but you don't see those around any more. Do 737-200's still fly in any great numbers?

I'm genuinely confused/excited by this one!

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