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New Review - Flight1 HeliTraffic 2009

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It's been too long since we had a review from John! Well, he has made up for it in spades with an excellent appraisal of Flight 1's HeliTraffic 2009 product. A must have product in John's view!

Read John's review by clicking on the image above or Here.

Don't forget to leave feedback here, good or bad :thanks:


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Oooooh! Looks good. Must have!, Great review John, well done mate.

The departures and Arrivals of the future with this add-on look sexy eh?

Might get if wifey says so :thanks:

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Now that's a review, John - thanks for taking all that trouble - an excellent job! Having read the Flight-1 description and watched the video - Close or What, Eh?!? - I can see why you flagged up the handling aspects! That, and the detailed descriptions in the rest of your review, have given me a really good insight into the product. Like you, I'm not a helo man, but I recently fell in love with Dodo-Sim's 206, which I purchased from the developers at the Weston Sim Show. No doubt HT2009 will come in real handy when I sort my cyclic from my collective.... :thanks:

Thanks again - terrific stuff, mate! :wub:

Cheers - Dai. :cool:

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Thanks, guys. I appreciate the comments.

Two new tidbits about the software, thanks to a friend who's trying out the demo...

1) HT saves your preferences, i.e. the list of AC that you have activated or de-activated. Whatever was selected/deselected comes back the same each time you re-start FS. That's not much of a news flash - I'd have expected that, but it's confirmed.

2) HT traffic shows up in replays (!!!) unlike conventional traffic from MS or other add-on traffic programs. That's novel.


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