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Duxford Flying Legends 2010 (UPDATED 17th Jul)

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It's taken a few days, but i've been busy with family stuff, and sifting through the 1100+ photos taken on Sunday to get some reasonably good ones to show to the world (and more importantly you guys here!) is taking longer than expected!!....so far i've managed to get 12 (yes i know, not many given i've had 3 days to do it!) uploaded to my new Flickr page and more will be uploaded as i get time to choose more...overall, i have 110 or so short-listed for upload, and of those i have around 5 in mind for photographic competitions currently going on.

All i can say about my 1st ever Flying Legends is this....i've already booked next years dates off!! :thumbup:

So, if you like "warbirds", you'd be silly not to make that click over to my Flickr page and take a look!

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Shame, I don't have a flickr account to view it :thumbup:

oops, my bad...they're all set to private viewing - i.e. only Flickr members can see...i'll get that changed right away Mut... in fact, consider it done!!

EDIT: oh, still not working.....it appears you do need to be a flickr member....i'll get them onto PhotoBucket also!

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Thanks Simi!

That's a shame you cannot have a public album, looking forward to the shots.


That's not the problem Mut, i edited the permissions to make them all publicly viewable, but then i read the Flickr Ts&Cs only to find it say that content with a 'Public' privacy rating can be seen only by all other Flickr members, as opposed to only Flickr friends etc...

anyway, i'm getting the first few up onto PB by tomorrow evening, and i'll post the link then :thumbup:

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Ok, i think i've managed to upload them correctly into PhotoBucket on my Flying Legends Album, and to make life easy for you all, I've attached clickable thumbnails below - just click a shot you like to see it in a new tab/window at full size....

th_canon001.jpg th_canon004.jpg th_canon008.jpg th_canon014.jpgth_canon016.jpg th_canon037.jpg th_canon039.jpg th_canon061.jpg th_canon087.jpg th_canon091.jpgth_canon093.jpg th_canon104.jpg th_canon107.jpg th_canon126.jpgth_canon129.jpgth_canon139.jpg th_canon141.jpg th_canon142.jpg th_canon206.jpg th_canon209.jpg th_canon215.jpg th_canon228.jpg th_canon265.jpg th_canon281.jpg

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i borrowed a friends Canon 350D and 400mm lens.... check out the sea fire Mut, how low can he go!

Yeah! that is probably one of the lowest wheels up passes I have seen, respect! :biggrin:

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Great shots, Simi. The Corsair looks great. Is that a Grumman Bearcat in the photos towards the end? Three SkyRaiders together must have sounded great, as the six Spits had to.

Thanks for posting them where those of us who aren't social networkers can see them too.


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Great shots, Simi. The Corsair looks great. Is that a Grumman Bearcat in the photos towards the end? Three SkyRaiders together must have sounded great, as the six Spits had to.

Thanks for posting them where those of us who aren't social networkers can see them too.


3 Skyraiders sounded like a cacophony of raging bulls, the thudding of their radial engines had my neck hairs on end and sent tingles down my back as they flew by - absolutely awesome!

Is that a Grumman Bearcat in the photos towards the end?

It's not no, that's a Sea Fury... although the BearCat was equally as great, such a little thing when compared to the powerful engine shoe-horned within it's fuselage!

As for the 6 Spitfires, there were actually ten, yes 10 in the air, it's just my 130-400mm lens at minimum zoom wasn't able to get them all in shot at the same time, but the noise...oh wow, the noise of 10 Merlin engines over head was like angels singing, such an awe-inspiring sound, it sent me all wobbly knee'd! (:biggrin:)

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Very nice shots, Simi. All radials this time around, even the Ju-52. Have never seen one of them in the air.


Thanks John, appreciated...there's still another 80+ to process, so don't think you've seen them all just yet!

As for the JU52/3M, that's one of a whole host of aircraft i'd never seen fly before until Flying Legends....among the others i'd not seen before were the Buchon, Sky Raiders, BearCat, and of those not yet posted, there was the Yaks (2x Yak 3 & 1x Yak 9), Polikarpov I16, 2x Ryan P-22s, 3x classic Hawker Bi-Planes.....and er, well, i think it'd be easier to say everything other than the Spitfires and 2x Boeing Stearmans used for the Wing Walker aerobatics!

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