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Wish me luck.....

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Ladies, Gents, Pilots and Mutley...

Hopefully you'll all get a chance to read this before I fly South for the winter tomorrow (Sunday 22nd) night.

As you may, or may not, know, i'm in the Forces...the RAF to be precise, and, well, as part of teh job description, we deploy to an 'Out Of Area' unit overseas every few years for a short period, usually 4-6 months.

Yep, you've guessed it, my number's been called and they're flying me to the Falklands for 4 months as of tomorrow. I found out last year that I would be going, so it's no real surprise, but it sure crept up fast these past few months.

So, as of Sunday, my already dwindling presence shall lessen more so until my return, hopefully before Christmas (either that or Mrs & miss Av8r won't be happy!!). But don't fret, according to a few colleagues who are there at the moment, the accommodation has patchy WiFi reception, so i'll be skulking around, much as i do presently, the Hangar on the odd occasion!

Well, till next time folks "hasta pronto!!"

Simi :winka:

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Good Luck Simi, my lad was out there a few years ago, he spent ALL his time there scraping snow off the pan. He also met his missus there who just happened to be in 2MT also. Have a good OOA and hope you're back for chrimbo. Stay in touch.

Kindest Regards


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Good luck, Simi. Hope it's a fulfilling time. Being away from family is never easy nor pleasant. I'm from the other side of the pond, but have nothing but respect and gratitude for those who serve in our forces or yours. My son-in-law has just taken a long C-17 ride to a far away place too. I sincerely hope both of you are home safe and sound for Christmas.


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